
kadang hujung jalan...
samarnya berkabus...
hujannya merintik...
sejuknya mencengkam...

a physician said:

"i have been practicing medicine for 30 years. and i have prescribed many things. but in the long run, i have learned that the best medicine for the human creature is LOVE and RESPECT."

someone asked:

"if it does not work?"

he smiled and answer:


Dr. intan said:

"sangat smart and true kata-kata physician ni. lepas ni tak perlu susah-susah hafal, baca, study material yang banyak + nescafe setiap malam dan siang + stay up malam-malam. err..=.=

common sense kot to give love and respect."

Encik Hasmat said:

"sangat smart dan true kata-kata Dr. Intan. lepas ni tak perlu susah-susah JPA tanggung yuran + makan + pakai untuk bertahun.

kalau sekadar to give love and respect, makcik tepi jalan pun boleh buat. common sense kot?"


terus sambung study.

nota kaki: love and respect arent just common sense, dont you agree?

kerana pada...
terbuka sejalur cahaya...
damai itu hikmah...


  1. haha nicely said. :)

    mungkin doktor tu nak kata, doktor2 ni byk sgt belajar sampai terlupa common senses which are love and respect.

    belajar kena belajar jugak kak. ma'annajah! :D

  2. Grr !

    molek ngat minum nescafe hari2.
    banyokkan minum air masak laa

  3. ouh.. u'll know the importance of knowledge n thinking masa clinical, Dr. intan.

    siyes, skrg mesti tiap mlm at least try to finish one case utk esk. klu dulu, jgn haraplah~

    huhu.. tau sbb ap? sbb rasa mcm loser sgt bila discuss, x dpt nk jwb mende. padahal, pre-clinical dah bljar kot. lg rasa loser bila patient tny, tau ke sbb ap? x dpt nk jwb pun.

    neway, sgt x dinafikan, respect n love itu perlu. but then, if we only depend on that things, respect n love will fade away~

  4. ade je yang mati sebab cinta...

  5. hihi. gelak je baca ayat dr. intan tuh:P

  6. ~to anonymous 1

    mungkin juga. tapi betul, belajar kena belajar juga~


    ~to anonymous 2


    ~to nima

    xyah nak cakap loser dalam klinikal la..dalam SGD pun intan dah rasa loser se loser loser nya~ T__T

    selama ni kan kena sumbat, ni 1st time kot Dr. main syok-sangat-tanya dalam SGD.

    terus muscle paralysis. =.=!

    ~to ayien ocaca

    well, yes.
    mati yang sia-sia~

    ~to anonymous



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