FM: a doctor?

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seminar Fiqhmedic 2011
29&30 april 2011
"sinergi menjana kegemilangan"

seriously saya puji pencipta logo ni. amazingly creative~!

29 april. hari yang istimewa. hari jumaat semestinya. hari mengundi PERMAI. hari saya belajar tentang tafsir surah attakathur, pembukaan kota mekah dan sekularisme. hari saya tahu cerita menarik di sebalik medan tahrir, mesir (insyaAllah saya kongsi kemudian).

hari saya dan family zam-zam terkejar-kejar ke dewan kindi selepas mengundi di bawah terik mentari untuk merebut 'hadiah istimewa' bagi 100 peserta terawal seminar fiqhmedic.

"amal, adik rasa orang-orang macam kita je yang termakan dengan tawaran hadiah untuk peserta terawal."
-dengan muka merah dibakar matahari-

seminar fiqhmedic ni gabungan kerjasama dua universiti terkemuka di irbid. JUST dan yarmouk. sinergi katanya. istimewa penceramah terbang dari malaysia. Prof. Dr. Zabidi Azhar dan Dr. Mohamad Nor Sundari. dan pembentang-pembentang team sinergi FM dari kalangan pelajar-pelajar irbid sendiri. bila namanya seminar, ianya seminarlah. stereotype seminar-seminar. nak detail tentatif dan hal-hal berbangkit FM ni boleh usha sini.

tak tahulah apa silap saya. mana-mana saya pergi. seminar apa yang saya hadiri. program apa yang saya join. masalah saya satu je. saya rasa output saya selalu pelik. orang lain sibuk tulis point-point yang pembentang bentangkan (i did the same) tapi bila saya baca balik point-point saya ni, lebih banyak point yang bukan dari pembentang. pelik sangat ke cara otak saya menterjemah input ya?

good words picture good personality~!

sometimes, words spoken are not meant to be that way. usual things do happen when we say something that are actually not meant to be said. or at least, they are not meant to be said THAT way.

but well, being a physician, we need to have those skills. skills of choosing right words and right way to say. especially when dealing with hypersensitive patients (we need to be aware that people called patients are sensitive). an easy example is maybe during taking the chief complaint. or maybe during breaking the bad news. basic things.

and still, the way we talk. the words we choose. actually picture ourselves. who we are. what personality do we have. and that scares me. because i dont think i'm a sweet-talker. i guess this profession would benefit men who are sweet-talker. =D

sensitivity of common sense~!

yeah. many people doesnt realize the importance of common sense. things that hardly learned when you are studying overseas. as i focus on common senses that we can only acquire from elders.

but well, a common sense means a common sense. some of them, we might need to learn. but others, we just have it in ourselves. the thing is either we are sensitive towards it or not. an understandable example is patients' dignity. clearly seen that we need to take care of patients' dignity, right? should be strictly taken care of.

still i shrink. because i dont think i'm a sensitive person. and i'm highly lack of common sense. haisy~

develop the skill let-them-love-you~!

i really dont know how on earth i came up with this point. but seriously, i'm going to develop it (insyaAllah). the things that i see, doctors need to love to be loved. and they need to gain the love. well-said, a trust. from the patients. they should have more than symphathy. an emphathy.

saya cemburu sebenarnya. pada seseorang yang pada mata saya, sangat disenangi. mungkin juga sangat disayangi.

tanyalah pada satu dunia, mungkin tiada yang tidak menyenanginya (ok. i'm exaggerating). the point is, doctors should learn how to love (i mean it. real love) the patients. as how valuable a graceful hand to a surgeon, that is how valuable a patient's love that to be gained.

dan dia, somehow somewhat do make me think all the time. it's a bless actually to have an easy-going personality. an additional value for a doctor-to-be, i guess. dan mungkin juga sebagai cerminan, hubungan dengan Allah.

normalize the skill pray-for-others~!

generally, for everyone you know or dont. friends or foe. men or women. old or young. but especially, for your patients. some doctors would feel, their duties are on the scene. often they forget behind the scene. pray for them. for their health, of course.

but for me, the most important is to pray for they have the strength to accept their fortune. for they could see the bright side of every unfortunate things they face in life. for they could hold that every single thing happens for a reason.

for they would have faith in Him. and the doctors themselves would have faith in Him too. and of course, what you give you'll get back~

have those skills~!

it's actually all about skills. skills of communicating with people. skills of presenting a presentation. skills of dare to try. skills of speaking out loud (of course under purposes). skills of convincing people. skills of building good relationship. skills of having good perception on others.

cemburu pada penceramah yang sememangnya mantap. dan mantap mereka bagi saya kerana pengalaman. that one to be gained, later. dan cemburu saya pada pembentang team sinergi FM.

i did flashback when's the last time i speak/ debate/ talk/ present in front of public. and that was years(?) ago. zaman saya suka bercakap non-stop. zaman tak wujud pun perkataan tachycardia dalam kamus hidup saya. zaman segan saya segan bertempat. zaman abah (especially), family and friends encouraging me participating this and that. zaman itu, mungkinkah akan berulang?

intan, you are a doctor-to-be~!

or i suppose to say, i'm a muslim doctor-to-be. selama 3 tahun berkelana di bumi syam ni. 3 tahun bergelumang dengan buku-buku tebal medic. 3 tahun 'menembak' setiap exams online kat JUST. 3 tahun menyaksikan perubahan musim. 3 tahun berebut bas ke jamiah. 3 tahun stay kat library JUST yang macam bukan library. dan 2 tahun jumpa Ali kat science hall 2 (erk~).

i conclude myself, i'm not qualified enough to be a doctor~!

sayu, bukan?

hafizah tanya, "kenapa intan nak jadi doktor? kenapa ambil medic? belajar medic kan susah?"
lepas pusing-pusing. kelentong-kelentong. jawab main-main, the only thing i could say,

"fizah, intan jawab kemudian ya soalan tu. i used to think that i own the answer but i dont think i have it. maybe not yet."


"but what for sure, i want to be a doctor~"

nota kaki 1: maybe with the initial age of 2 i should start to think seriously. taking things seriously. planning things seriously. and doing things seriously. at least i should realize that i'm now in a all-grown-up family. things are different. talks are different. thoughts are different. like it or not, i'm no longer a teen. and no longer a kid. and yes, that hurts~

nota kaki 2seminar yang menarik dan terbaik dari segi ketepatan masa. sekurang-kurangnya, mata hati saya yang hampir tertutup tentang kenapa-saya-pilih-medic, terbuka semula. walaupun mungkin masih belum luas sepenuhnya. at least it didnt shut~

nota kaki 3: tahniah dan takziah pimpinan baru yang terpilih. semoga. islam yang dibawa ke dalam PERMAI. seperti yang diperkatakan. semoga. tanpa persatuan pun, ahli sedar yang mereka sebenarnya bertuhan~

nota kaki 4: REHAT terakhir esok. lepas ni kena pecut. dah terlalu lama berehat. wadi syu3aib, juz 4, makan-makan, semoga kamu wasilah kekuatan dari Allah untuk saya.

nota kaki 5: just few days to go, intan~! come on~! *cheers~!* ^_^

dan selalu...
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tetapi menjana kekuatan...


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